Dr. Michael Hill
[vc_row][vc_column el_align=”align-center” css=”.vc_custom_1518044648536{padding-right: 250px !important;padding-left: 250px !important;}”][vc_single_image image=”1213″ alignment=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1518045117828{padding-right: 50px !important;padding-left: 50px !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”Dr. Michael Hill is a Professor for the Departments of Clinical Neurosciences, Community Health Sciences, Medicine and Radiology at the University of Calgary. He is also Director of the Stroke Unit for the Calgary Stroke Program, Alberta Health Services. Dr. Hill completed undergraduate training at McGill University in biochemistry and went on to the University of Ottawa medical school. He trained in internal medicine at the University of Ottawa and received his FRCPC (Internal Medicine) in 1997. Subsequently, he completed a neurology residency at the University of Toronto and received his FRCPC (Neurology) in 1999. ” font_container=”tag:h4|font_size:22|text_align:left”][vc_custom_heading text=”Dr. Hill moved to Calgary to undertake a stroke fellowship and clinical epidemiology training at the University of Calgary and was appointed to faculty in 2001. He then completed his MSc thesis in 2003, and is currently Director of the Stroke Unit at the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary.” font_container=”tag:h4|font_size:22|text_align:left”][/vc_column][/vc_row]